Saturday, March 13, 2010

After the fat lady sings....

When the music fades, and the curtains are drawn. When the crowd dissipates, albeit slowly, endlessly but eventually. When the darkness descends like a veil and the subsequent silence permeates even to your innards, You are aware of the solitude into your soul. After all is said and done, all you have left are the memories.
The memories...your memories; the good, the bad, the ugly and the scary. Like a lonely desperate housewife watching re-runs of her favourite soap opera, these memories keep you going. They make the saying "what doesn't kill you,makes you stronger" ring true even in your own situation.
These memories help you come to the realization that no matter how good or bad your issues are, you are gonna get through them and with fond memories too. They make you see things in a lighter perspective, knowing that these things don't last forever. Nothing lasts forever, not winter and not summer, but your thoughts are gonna be with you for always.
When my day is done, late at night, i try to reflect on my life; Past, present and future. I hang on to these memories. The good times I remember overwhelms the bad ones. The nasty scary things I've been through, the stupid foolish things I've done cannot be too much for the good ones to overshadow. So i know now that no matter how bad i feel now, it own't last long. Eventually all the pain will go away and all that will be left with me are my memories.
Life is a long road that i'm gonna have to keep walking; no options, no alternatives. Love is a journey that i'm gonna have to undertake, God help me. On this journey along this road there'll be bumps and stops but like a wise person once told me, "it's all bus-stops taking you on to the next one". I'm gonna have to keep walking on the lonely pilgrimage. The bend on the road ain't the end of the road, so i'll take this trip with my memories as my hitch-hiking partner and i'll be loving every minute of it.

1 comment:

Harry said...

Nice one... I am slippon in2 reflection mode 2